Zero Carb Keto
Carnivory and Sustainability
I was thinking about how sustainable the carnivore lifestyle is! Which might be surprising to people!
Following a simple red meat diet based on beef and lamb/mutton that are raised on rotational grazing on 100% pasture is exceptionally nourishing for the topsoil and the diversity of plants and wildlife. This is very unlike agriculture, which leads to the leaching of minerals from the earth, washing away of topsoil, desertification, and the elimination of ecological diversity.
In addition, there is very, very little waste when eating red meat, unlike with plant products. Also only small amounts of food are needed because fatty red meat is much more nutrient and calorie dense than plant products.
Carnivory is also light on energy resources, when buying locally raised 100% grassfed meats, which come from right down the road and raised on just local grasses and water. The meats are cooked easily and quickly in comparison to plant-based products, which require much more energy resources in production, harvesting, transportation, preparation and cooking.
Also, carnivory creates better health. Consistent, low blood sugar and insulin levels, blood pressure, zero inflammation. This all in turn reduces the current waste and burden of the "health care" system that we have found with "plant-based" diets.
I have been purchasing canned meats, so that has allowed me to actually go to zero waste and no plastic usage at all. Steel cans are actually truly and easily recyclable, unlike plastic which can only be partially downcycled.
Zero carb keto is good not just for health, but for the earth too!
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