I was realizing that a lot of people just do not have a lot of experience cooking meat. So I wanted to explain some of the various techniques and tools that I use!
Slow cooker: I use the slow cooker for any cuts that are tougher, such as roasts, oxtail, or tongue. Recently I figured out that organ meats such as heart, liver, kidney, and testes, cook nicely in there too. I put the meats in an empty pot and let them cook 12 hours. I reserve the juices in the fridge. The fat will coagulate at the top. You can do whatever you'd like with these juices/fats. I tend to just toss the fats and I have been giving the juices to my friend for his dog. The nice thing about the slow cooker is it allows me to utilize cheaper cuts. I buy direct from local ranchers who use rotational grazing and 100% grassfed and grass-finished feeding, and being able to buy cheaper cuts allows me to keep costs under $7/lb!
Convection toaster oven: The convection toaster oven is great for reheating hunks of roasts, or for broiling steaks, burgers, or meatballs, or baking/broiling seafood.
Grilling: I prefer charcoal grilling to gas grilling, I feel like it imparts more flavor. I also like using a chimney instead of charcoal fluid, because I think it is healthier and better tasting.
Steaming: I steam crustaceans and shellfish.
Those are the main cooking techniques I use. I eat only red meats (beef and lamb/mutton) and occasional wild-caught, low-mercury seafood (mollusks, crustaceans, salmon). I never use any kind of cooking oils or butter or anything, no seasonings, and no salt. I never eat any kind of dairy (no butter or ghee either), since the casein really presents some problems for me (keratosis pilaris, depression, gut issues). No poultry or eggs or pork either, since they are so high in omega 6's and they are inflammatory for me.
For a while there I got into making a simple unsalted jerky with various cuts of meat, but I was gaining weight. So I am no longer going to do that. I don't know why it happens, but jerky causes real weight gain for me!
Cooking this way is so easy! No prep, hardly any cleanup. Sometimes I don't even use plates or forks! And since I am eating so little, I often just eat standing up and don't even bother sitting at the table. Often I don't bother reheating my leftover meats either, just snack on them cold, or leave them out at room temperature a bit. It's an easy and healthful way of life!
And I really enjoy maintaining 14% bodyfat (17 BMI). I look back at photos of myself from my pre-carnivore days, with 23% bodyfat, and I am amazed at how much lighter I am now. It was just a difference of 25 pounds, which may not seem like much, but it was 22% of my weight. I feel so much better, leaner, and healthier. I look a lot better too!
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