So I was thinking yesterday about that "Santa Claus" moment.
You know, that moment when you realized Santa Claus was a lie?
You started to wonder, what else is a lie?
And now, the same thing has happened for me with nutrition and health. I feel like I have had that Santa Claus moment. I am realizing that everything we have been told for my whole life is not only wrong, but actually very harmful!
The nutrition and health authorities told us not to eat fat. Fat is fattening, they said. Fat clogs your arteries, and causes cardiovascular and heart disease, they said. Trim off all the fats from your meat, eat the leanest meats you can find, or better yet, do not even eat meat at all! And instead of fats, eat highly processed vegetable oils.
They told us to fill up on "healthy whole grains" and so we dutifully ate whole-grain highly processed foods like breakfast cereals and breads.
They also told us to many, many servings of fruits and vegetables.
And what did this do for us? We have an obesity epidemic! Everyone is taking prescriptions for every kind of ailment under the sun!
I have had enough. I am calling bullshit! Santa Claus is a lie! The Emperor has no clothes!
The truth, which is incredibly hard to find anywhere, is that homo sapiens is designed to eat fatty meat. That is the truth. We were not designed to eat plant matter. We do not chew cud. You may notice that when you eat many types of plant matter, it tends to come out the other end just the same as it started. We just cannot break it down. Anti-nutrients make most of them nutritionally and calorically void.
Animals on grassland replenish the soil and can provide us not only with complete nutrition, but also provide wool and leather for clothing, fat for candles and soap. In ancient times, homo sapiens used the large bones of the megafauna as the structural support for housing.
So, there it is. Truth. Fatty red meat from grassland animals. Fresh water. Salt. That is all we need.
Grassfed lamb chop with sea salt
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