I am trying to prepare for some air travel. I really hate air travel, so I avoid it as much as possible!
Finding suitable food is usually impossible in airports! So in the past, I have packed some shelf-stable food in my carry-on luggage. Previously, I made pemmican out of dehydrated beef and tallow. Pemmican works great for traveling, since it is not messy at all and you can break pieces off with your fingers. However, tallow makes it waxy, which I do not particularly like.
So this time I decided to make beef heart jerky and clotted cream. If you have never made beef heart jerky, it is amazingly tasty! I am going to have a hard time not eating it all before I leave!
I just take a beef heart and slice it with a good meat slicing knife. I cut off the fat and connective tissues. Sprinkle it with a little sea salt, then put it in a dehydrator overnight. The flavor is so amazing! And the texture is great. So crunchy! I just go crazy for it. Also, beefheart is a great source of coenzyme Q10!
The other item I made was clotted cream, but I am having my doubts about bringing it. For one, again, it is so incredibly delicious that it likely I might eat it all before I even leave. For another, I need to strain it better so it is more solid. There is still a little liquid in it which is messy for travel. Also, you need a spoon to eat it, so that is not as good for traveling either. But goodness, clotted cream made from 100% grassfed cream is so amazingly tasty! And such a gorgeous yellow color. It is very high in vitamin A as well as many other vitamins such as D, E, and K, omega 3 fatty acids, and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). It is excellent for ketone production too!
Normally, I try to avoid dairy, since it seems to aggravate my keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin), but I thought that the clotted cream might travel better than marrow. Now I am not sure though. I think both might get soft and messy in warm conditions. I might have to resort to a box of coconut cream, which is very solid at room temperature. I can just bite off a piece of it, not needing a spoon.
Another option, which is a little awkward socially, is to just fast for the trip! Ketosis allows one to do fasting very easily without hunger. So as a last resort I will just fast!
But otherwise, jerky and coconut cream might work well!
Grassfed homemade clotted cream and beef heart jerky
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