Zero Carb Keto
Lamb/Mutton is Perfect Food
I am realizing how much lamb and mutton are such perfect foods! They just naturally fall within a perfect ketogenic ratio of fat to protein. So no added fat is ever needed! Many people have to add pork fat, coconut oil, or butter to their foods to try to maintain a high enough fat ratio. But all of those fats have their downsides. Pork fat is high in omega 6 fatty acids, and inflammatory. Coconut oil is lacking all of the important nutrients such as retinol and vitamin D that are inherent in fat from ruminant animals. And butter, being dairy, has casein and other compounds that many people like me just do not tolerate well, leading to skin and gut problems. But lamb and mutton need no extra fats, and contain all necessary nutrients for us!
In addition, lamb and mutton are so delicious! Such a wonderful flavor and so easy on the digestion, even compared to beef. Many cuts of beef, especially 100% grassfed beef, are just too lean for a good ketogenic ratio.
Lamb and mutton cooks up very easily. Slow cooker for larger cuts, toaster oven for smaller cuts. So easy!
Also, sheep can be raised in almost any climate and terrain. They need far less land than cattle as well! And as other ruminant animals, they help replenish the earth, rather than desertify it like plant agriculture does. So they are very environmentally sustainable!
Lamb and mutton are a perfect food!
Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt flakes
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