Keto Carnivory
Optimal Body and Brain Health
I was thinking the other day about how the zero carb / keto carnivore way of life is so good for not just the body, but the health of the brain too. Studies are showing more and more that Alzheimer's disease, ADHD, bipolar, and cancers, are related to the brain's uptake of glucose. But when a person eats solely fatty grass-finished meat, wild-caught seafood, and water, then the brain is running on ketones instead. Ketones are a cleaner fuel for the brain.
And of course, the body benefits as well from running on ketones instead of the sugar spikes and crashes of glucose. Diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, joint pain, menstrual pain, common cold, these are all related to the body running on glucose. When one switches to running on ketones instead, these problems go away!
Getting back to the brain, I was also thinking about how probably many people have a problem with casein than actually realize it. A casein intolerance may not show at all as a digestive problem. I certainly never thought I had any issues with dairy. I noticed I would get constipated when I ate too much dairy, but I didn't think I had any real issues with it. Not like with lactose intolerance, which is much more obvious.
But casein can be very harmful and much less obviously so. For me, after studying my daily food journals, realized that casein (and in all dairy, including raw dairy, goat dairy, etc) causes not only constipation, but aggravates my keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin) and really messes up my brain as well. It really puts me in a dark cloud, which lasts for days. I had no idea, until I really started tracking my food intake.
Casein intake is also linked to brain problems such as autism, bipolar, ADHD, depression, etc.
And although you might read that butter or ghee is free of casein, I notice that I still have problems with them too. So I think casein, (or some yet unknown other item within all dairy), is something to be considered when searching for best brain health.
There is a casein peptides test you can order to find out if you may have an intolerance (not an allergy) to casein. I have taken it, and it showed that I definitely had a reaction to casein. Interestingly, I really didn't have much of a reaction to gluten, which is included in the test.
Here is the link to where you can order the test yourself:
You will have needed to ingest gluten and casein for the last two weeks for the test to show any reaction.
Another brain health issue revolves around pollution. We deal with huge amounts of noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution, and light pollution today. That is very detrimental to our brains, and especially the growing brains of children. I think it is really important to seek out places to live and work which are as low as possible of all of these types of pollution.
In other news, I have successfully transitioned my cat to a zero carb diet as well! He is now solely eating Tiki brand "After Dark" series wet food, which is just chicken, chicken heart, liver, and gizzards, chicken cooking juices, tuna oil, and added vitamins and minerals. He is doing much better than he did on dry food. His digestion is vastly improved. This is more expensive, but I think it is worth it in the long run to save money on vet bills. He is already slimming down some!
I have also improved my digestion too, since quitting salt. I think I had just reached equilibrium in my electrolytes and did not need any more salt. It was causing diarrhea and intestinal cramping. Also, I had read that 90% of all sea salts now contain microplastics. So that could have been causing it too, who knows. Now I am not using salt at all, and my digestion is very regular again.
Also, I got frustrated with my digital scales for body weight and food. They did not seem very accurate at all. So I have ordered balance scales instead. I received my body balance scale yesterday. It's just like the big metal ones at the doctor's office and it seems very accurate! My food scale should arrive tomorrow!
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