I was just doing some more musing about having been strict carnivore for over three years, and on-and-off for about ten years!
I just feel so great and look so much better than I did ten years ago, or twenty years ago, or even thirty years ago!
My skin is clear, which it never was in the past.
My bodyfat maintains at "athlete" range (14%), whereas before I was in the "normal" range (23%). I feel much slimmer and I really like it.
My blood glucose maintains around 80mg/dl all the time, after eating or before fasting, just level all the time, instead of spiking and crashing all day long.
My other blood parameters and heart/cardiovascular scans are all excellent now.
My DNA telomore test last year said that while I am 47 years old, I have the DNA of a 33 year old, so that's great!
I never have menstrual pain anymore, whereas prior to carnivore it was really terrible.
I do not get hungry like I used to do. I used to become really irritable and hungry every few hours when I ate carbs. Now I really don't feel much hunger at all. I can go 11 hours without eating and not even notice.
Along that line, I feel like my general mood is much more level than it used to be as a sugar-burner.
And this is the biggest one: Gut issues from Crohn's are no longer really part of my life, except for the occasional flare-up. That part of my life used to be very, very debilitating!
My cat has now been zero-carb/carnivore for about six months, and he is doing much better now too. He is slim now and his coat is glossy, and he is more affectionate too!
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