I really feel the need to talk about how precious good animal fat and salt are. First, let me explain more about animal fats.
Through much trial and research, I have come to the conclusion that the truly healthiest fats are NOT plant oils, despite what health proponents may claim. These are all highly processed (yes, even olive oil and coconut oil) compared to animal fat. Animal fat is the simplest, most stable, and traditional fat of our long ancestry.
I also do not agree with eating dairy fats. Even ghee, which is refined butter, from cream, from milk (quite a process!), can still have the same deleterious effects of all dairy, including raising blood glucose and causing inflammation.
Even within animal fats, some seem to be healthier for the system than others. Pork and poultry fats seem to cause inflammation as well, and higher glucose levels, based on my experience. However, fat from grassfed ruminant animals seems to be very clean-burning, efficient, and non-inflammatory!
Finding 100% grassfed ruminant animal fat isn't easy! And tallow (from suet around the kidneys), is very waxy and unpalatable. That leaves the fat caps on fatty cuts such as ribs, and marrow. Very hard to come by! Extremely precious! Luckily, we don't need very much. A few bites is a complete meal!
Likewise with salt! Very high quality sea salt, such as Maldon sea salt flakes, are rare and to be prized! High quality sea salt will contain essential electrolytes, keeping our brains, circulation, and digestion running smoothly. Very, very precious!
When I travel, I realize how hard these items are to come by. You often can't just pick them up at the grocery store! Our society has come to a completely different point, where the most basic sustenance of life is extremely hard to find! Isn't that crazy?
I treasure my wealth of grassfed ruminant fat and sea salt!
Grassfed short ribs with smoked salt
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