Zero Carb Keto
Avoiding Plastic
I have been learning so much lately about the use and problems associated with plastics. I watched two great documentaries, "Plastic Paradise" and "The Garbage of the World", and read the book "Plastic Free: How I Kicked the Plastic Habit and How You Can Too."
These were all very eye-opening to me, and I recommend all of them!
They made me realize the extent to which plastics penetrate every facet of our lives now! I also did not realize that when we think we are recycling plastic, most of it is not recycled at all, and the small percentage that is recycled, is actually down-cycled rather than re-cycled. Which means that the plastics are broken down and a lower grade plastic is made from them, and then
that product cannot be recycled. So it's not like the shampoo bottle is re-made into another shampoo bottle, which is what I thought had been happening!
And even plastics in our clothes, such as acrylic, nylon, polyester, spandex, etc., leaches into the water table every time we wash our clothes! So it is important to purchase 100% natural fiber clothes.
(Pharmaceuticals, by the way, also end up in the water table, which is why I have discontinued all use of pharmaceuticals and supplements).
This newfound knowledge has persuaded me to get rid of my use of plastics. I have already made some steps.
I bought a 100% natural rubber menstrual cup ( which was shipped in just recyclable paper! I also bought some reusable organic cotton menstrual pads ( which were shipped in biodegradable celluloid, but I have found I prefer the cup in terms of ease of day-to-day use.
I have been using eyeglasses instead of contact lenses.
I use handmade local soap bars wrapped just in paper instead of body wash or liquid hand soap in plastic bottles.
I have been experimenting with some ideas for shampoo and moisturizer, but have not found anything ideal yet. Using animal tallow for body moisturizer was a bit weird and smelled off-putting. I could look for locally produced oils, maybe? The closest I can find is in Michigan:
For shampoo, I know that some people use shampoo bars. I am bit worried that they will not work well though. My hair is pretty finicky! I wonder if it would be possible to make a homemade liquid soap/shampoo? I have some time before my current shampoo and moisturizers run out!
I have not used deodorant at all in years, as I have not found that I actually even need it.
I ordered natural miswak sticks (made from tree twigs) for a toothbrush, but unfortunately, they came in plastic wrap, which defeats the whole purpose! I have heard that there are wooden toothbrushes with boar bristles, but I am not sure if they come in plastic bags. I will have to research further!
I have been using natural henna and indigo powder to dye my hair, but it comes in a plastic jar. However, I think it may be possible to buy those powders in the bulk department at the local food co-op. At least the henna, I think! So I will investigate that option.
For my last two whole lamb shares, I asked for the meat to be packed in paper rather than plastic. The paper may have been lined with plastic, I am not positive. [ETA: It looks like all freezer papers are still lined with plastic. Darn it!]
However, there are no lambs available for many months now, or a quarter cow share (one beef farmer did have the option of paper wrap as well), so now I am in a conundrum! I enjoy buying from my local farmers, but their regular cuts (besides the shares) are always in plastic.
I could shop at the meat and fish counter at the grocery store, and request paper wrap or even bring my own containers for them to use. But their meats are not as good quality, and are more expensive than those from my local farmers. And often their grassfed meats come from very far distances, such as Australia! I try to buy locally as much as possible to reduce my petroleum footprint.
So I am rather stumped as to how to get meats (or fish) that are not wrapped in plastic, and not shipped from really far away, for the next few months until shares are available where I can request paper. I will have to keep brainstorming!
I am also a bit stumped on how to provide food and litter for my cat without the use of plastic! I use "World's Best Cat Litter", which is made from just corn and is really great. But it comes in a plastic bag, as does dry cat food as well. So that is something else to explore! [ETA: I am going to try grinding my own cat litter with dried corn!]
I will report back if I can come up with some good options for these plastic problems!
Grassfed lamb shank with sea salt
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