I was realizing that although I follow such a seemingly restricted diet, and I also practice calorie restriction, I do not feel deprived or restricted at all.
When I see all the sugary, starchy, and plant matter foods that everyone else is eating, it is not something that I crave at all. In fact, I kind of think of them as poison. At least, that is basically what they are to me!
This way of eating actually feels very freeing, unlike all the other ways of eating (vegan, FODMAP, Paleo, etc) that I have tried. My gut is so healthy now. I think back to my whole childhood and adult life prior to zero carb keto, with a bloated gut, constipation, cystic acne, keratosis pilaris. It is just incredible what a great change this has been!
I was also thinking about food freedom. I came across a few articles yesterday that were very thought provoking. This article is a request for donations from the Oglala Lakota Tribe to help them build a meat processing building so that they can have food sovereignty again, and renew their ancient connection with bison. I checked their website and they did finally get the building finished. What a wonderful way for them to be able to raise and process their own food, reconnect with their ancient traditions, prevent hunger, and be healthy! I really enjoyed the video:
On the opposite end of the food freedom spectrum, I came across these article bringing up the possibility of a "meat tax"!! And the purported reasons for it (greenhouse gases, obesity, antiobiotic resistance, soil depletion, food and water security) are completely backwards when talking about grassfed meats:
Hopefully their terrible idea will be debunked!
I am thinking more and more about the Lakota tribe and their bison. I have enjoyed bison before, ordering from Wild Idea Buffalo and Northstar, who both use humane field harvesting. I do appreciate the field harvesting. However, bison meat is awfully lean, and also expensive. Then there is the transportation as well. I do have a local bison farmer, but they feed with grain and do not practice field harvesting. I could search around some more to see what else I can find! I do like the idea of more "wild" meats, allowing the animals more freedom themselves!
Grassfed lamb chop with sea salt
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