Zero Carb Keto: Fat Intake and Type
Proper fat intake is very important to maintain ketosis and good bowel health. It is a very delicate balance though, between too much and too little!
I had been eating mostly organ meats the last few days, beef heart and liver. These are very lean meats on their own, even when leaving the fat on the beef heart. I realized after developing a little constipation after a few days, that I must add good fat on the side when eating such lean meats! Mostly I use marrow fat from beef marrow bones. I keep some already cooked and ready to go in the refrigerator in a glass container. A little 10g-15g bite is all it takes along with a lean meat serving!
Then sometimes I accidentally have too much fat, and can get diarrhea or very soft, urgent stools from it. This sometimes happens when I have sweetbreads (pancreas and thymus), which are very, very high in fat. (Incidentally, they also contain vitamin C, which too can cause diarrhea in excess!).
I have tried experimenting with other fats on the side, such as tallow, ghee, and clotted cream, but I had digestive problems with them. Plus, dairy causes inflammation for me, which I can tell by aggravated keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin).
Visceral fat, such as beef tallow rendered from suet, protects organs, and is denser and higher in saturated fats than other types of animal fats. But it tends to be very waxy and unpalatable, to me, and seems to bother my gut some too.
Marrow fat is the lowest in saturated fats and higher in omega 3 fatty acids compared to visceral, subcutaneous, intra- and intermuscular fats. It is softer and more creamy in texture. So I prefer it, although it is hard to get!
Another option would be to save some intermuscular fat trimmings off of other cuts, such as lamb chops, where there is plenty to spare!
Grassfed lamb chops with sea salt
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