Zero Carb Keto
Not Iodine After All!
I wrote three posts on iodine the other day. I thought that maybe I had a dry patch of skin above my eye because of iodine deficiency. And that is a nutrient that is not given values in the U.S. database, so American nutrition trackers cannot help track it.
I had looked up recommended daily values, and then used some different European nutrition databases to find the foods highest in iodine, such as mackerel and clams. According to the recommended daily values, supposedly we need a full fillet of fish every single day! (Of which I was skeptical!)
Well, I have been eating clams and mackerel daily now and I do enjoy them. However, I noticed I am getting little pimples on my face!!
I researched, and sure enough, too much iodine can cause acne!!
So here is what I have concluded. For one, the recommended daily amount is set too high for zero carb followers (as usual), probably because the assumption was made that one would be eating baked goods with bromine, and that conflicts with iodine.
Also, I noticed that my dry patch of skin is no better at all! So it was not iodine that was the problem anyway.
My plan is to now cut back on the fish, since there is so much pollution in the oceans (not just chemical toxins but literally tons and tons of plastic debris that the fish actually ingest), and also because they have to be transported such long distances to me!
Instead I will go back to eating locally raised, 100% grassfed beef and lamb. I will continue to make sure to get plenty of liver for vitamin A, which helps keep skin moisturized and healthy.
I will also continue to use my narrowband UVB lamb for vitamin D. I had gotten a bit lazy about using it, so that could one reason for the dry skin, along with the vitamin A (since I had been out of liver for a while).
And I will enjoy wonderful, sticky, delicious, collagen rich foods like oxtail as much as possible!
So now I think I will get back on track! Ideally, we should not need any moisturizers at all. Our skin should be naturally healthy and supple without spreading inflammatory omega 6 oils and benzoates all over ourselves!
TriVascular Test Results
In other news, I finally got the actual number results from my trivascular test a few weeks ago. Excellent scores, despite an LDL number that is almost off the meter (everyone else would have been taking potentially damaging statins)! And all of my other health parameters are excellent as well, blood glucose, blood pressure, complete blood count, insulin, TSH, CRP, A1C, omega ratio, osteocalcin, bodyfat, HDL, triglycerides, B12, folate, ferritin, etc. It is just LDL that is super, super high. But I am not concerned at all!
In fact, my numbers were even better than last year (which were still excellent) since I have stopped eating pork, poultry, and dairy. My arteries are even healthier now even though I am a year older! So that's great! Cheers for fatty, grassfed red meat, sea salt, and water!
Grassfed oxtail with sea salt
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