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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Dogma or Doggerel?

People can get so dogmatic about their way of eating! I find it really strange. I don't understand why people care so much about what other people eat!

There's so much strife over lowfat versus low-carb, vegan versus Paleo, Mediterranean diet versus Asian diet, and so on. Supporters of all the various factions can quote studies at each other all day long. Who is right?

I say, maybe they are all right! During different phases of your life, you may have different needs!

It really boils down to this: How do you feel? Do you feel healthy? Do you look healthy? Is your body functioning properly, without having to take medications or supplements? Is your gut flat? How are your skin, nails, hair, teeth, gums, digestion, focus, energy, bodyfat, contentment, brain function?

Eating is not religion. It is a gift!

Grassfed ground lamb with flaked sea salt


Would you try (or do you already follow) a zero carb keto diet?

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