I think that the average person today has extremely high bodyfat. I am often really, really shocked when I step outside and just take a look around. Almost everyone over the age of 20 is carrying around quite a bit of extra bodyfat! And the older people get, the more and more bodyfat seems to accumulate.
It's prevalent throughout different countries and continents too. People like to say it is just Americans..that the French don't get fat. Not true. I see it across the world. The older a person gets, the higher and higher their bodyfat gets. They get thicker and thicker around the middle.
It doesn't have to be this way! Bodyfat accumulation stems from a Neolithic diet focusing on cheap and easy carbohydrates. And despite what the authorities say, exercise really has no effect at all. Mainly it comes down to carb and calorie intake.
If we eat a zero-carb, ketogenic diet, with even just slight calorie restriction, there will not be bodyfat creep-up. We will stay slim throughout middle and old age, and not be hungry or undernourished. A proper zero-carb restricted-calorie diet which includes organ meats and fish will satisfy hunger as well as provide an excellent and complete nutrition.
Instead of striving for the supposedly average bodyfat percentages, strive for "Athletes" or "Essential Fat" ranges (or "Lean" on this chart below). These are more in tune with our nature!
A zero-carb, restricted calorie ketogenic diet can get you there easily, effortlessly, and without having to do a million hours of cardio. As a 45-yr-old woman, I have maintained 14-15% bodyfat for a year now on zero-carb keto. I measure with a bodyfat scale (and confirm with US Navy calculators online). It feels so good to be lean! It feels very natural!
Grassfed short ribs with smoked salt
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