I've posted before that I don't recommend pork and dairy. The reasons are that I have found that pork (even pastured pork) seems to raise my triglycerides, and my omega 6:3 ratio. I don't recommend dairy because casein can cause neurological issues for some people, constipation, and also raise blood sugar (and likely also insulin). Dairy also seems to increase my blood pressure as well.
However, my local grassfed farmer has run out of marrow bones, and is pretty much out of beef too! So I've had to venture back into pork and dairy to be able to continue to eat local foods. The pork is pastured, and I have actually visited the farm and seen the pigs! And I was very impressed! I thought, aha, so this is where the phrase "Happy as a pig in mud" comes from!
I noticed that the pork actually did have some benefits. My ketones were incredibly high (4.9) and my fasting blood glucose low (69mg/dL or 3.2mmol/L) on the day after I ate pretty much nothing but pork side (belly) and eggs! So that was a nice surprise!
The dairy is from the same farmer, 100% grassfed, and full of good yellow high vitamin A fats! I have been using cream only, to replace marrow as a fat for my leaner meals. I am making the cream into clotted cream, and enjoying as "shots" on the side of my meal. It is mind-blowingly good! However, I have noticed that my blood pressure and fasting blood glucose are creeping up, and my ketones creeping down. However, all are still within good ranges. Last night in bed I got a foot cramp (which I often get when my electrolyte balance is off). I think it wasn't the dairy, though, but that I missed salt in one meal. I find that I need to have enough salt every day to avoid muscle cramping. [Edited to add: I had another foot cramp for the second day in a row, so I think it is the dairy after all.]
I had previously taken a casein peptide test to see if I have any issues with casein. While my testing result was within the reference range, it was definitely on the high end. Cream should not have that much casein in it, though, since it is almost all fat.
I've also started eating eggs again. Again, these are local pastured chickens, and I've visited the farm and seen them out in their field, happy and curious! Egg yolks are actually at a perfect ketogenic ratio as is! But when you add in the whites, you need extra fat on the side to keep up the keto ratio.
I'll keep checking my fasting glucose, ketones, and blood pressure now that I've reincorporated pork, cream, and eggs, and report back any further changes that I find! I do have to say, it is all very, very tasty!
Grassfed ground lamb with sea salt flakes and a shot of homemade clotted cream
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