I have been feeling really well lately. I can't find the right words to explain it. Since I finally got all the dairy from my dairy experiment out of my system, and also quit eating pork and eggs, I've been feeling great.
I'll try explain the difference in feeling!
So, when I eat items that aggravate my system, I feel kind of "plugged up", like there are rocks in my gut, and that all of my systems throughout my body are mucked up, plugged up, bloated, and full of waste products. I'm guessing that is what inflammation feels like? My mood and thinking get mucked up too!
But now, I feel like everything is running smoothly. and especially the area inside, between my stomach and my intestine, feels almost "hollow" in a way that is hard to explain. It feels like it is no longer bloated, but clean and taut. I looked it up and this area is near the celiac plexus or "solar" plexus, which according to Wikipedia is:
"...a complex network of nerves (a nerve plexus) located in the abdomen, near where the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries branch from the abdominal aorta. It is behind the stomach and the omental bursa, and in front of the crura of the diaphragm, on the level of the first lumbar vertebra."
Or maybe it is the celiac ganglia:
"The celiac ganglia or coeliac ganglia are two large irregularly shaped masses of nerve tissue in the upper abdomen. Part of the sympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the two celiac ganglia are the largest ganglia in the ANS, and they innervate most of the digestive tract...The celiac ganglion is part of the sympathetic prevertebral chain possessing a great variety of specific receptors and neurotransmitters such as catecholamines, neuropeptides, and nitric oxide and constitutes a modulation center in the pathway of the afferent and efferent fibers between the central nervous system and the ovary."
That sounds more like it!
Regardless of what this area I'm meaning is called, the point is that it seems to feel taut and smooth, and it then makes all the systems in my body run smoothly as well. Whereas when I eat the wrong things, I feel bloated, very uncomfortable, my ankles are swollen, my skin gets keratosis pilaris, et cetera.
I've been eating pretty much just 100% grassfed lamb lately, since I purchased a whole lamb share. I really enjoy it, it is incredibly tasty, and it seems to suit my digestion really well. Also, since the meat is a good ratio of fat to protein already, I don't need to add any additional fat on the side! So that's been making life easier and saving money on groceries too!
Here's to a smooth-running celiac ganglia!
Grassfed lamb ribs with smoked salt
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