I was reading about vitamin D. I had always heard that if you spend at least 10-30 minutes outside in the sun per day, you should be fine for vitamin D. However, it turns out that is incorrect!
Most places in the USA are really not good at all for UVB and deriving vitamin D from sunshine! Who knew! And forget about it if it's not high noon in the summer, or if you are wearing any clothes, or are standing up!
I took a home vitamin D blood test and discovered that my levels were much lower than I thought they'd be, considering that I enjoy sunbathing in the summer! But that confirms that really laying out doesn't do much at all for vitamin D, at least in my part of the world!
So I'm going to make an effort to increase my vitamin D levels some. The problem is too, that not very many foods contain enough vitamin D to be a good source. Coldwater fish, like herring, salmon, and trout, are a good source, but they can also be high in mercury. And expensive! Plus it kind of creeps me out that they dye salmon (and probably trout too). I can't find herring that isn't pickled or seasoned in some way, which aggravates my colitis.
Egg yolks have some vitamin D, but you'd have to eat a TON of them. And I'm not all that wild about eggs anyway. They often make me just make me feel more hungry!
And that's about it for food sources. However, calf liver contains some, so I'll try having that. I really enjoy lamb liver, the flavor is amazing. So hopefully calf liver tastes similar! I'll be getting some from my farmer tomorrow!
There's supplements, but I don't like taking supplements. Plus, vitamin D supplements if made from fish oil in an involved process, can be very high in mercury. Otherwise they are made from lanolin, in another long, involved process, which seems quite unnatural to me.
So, I'll try the calf liver, and hopefully that is good enough!
Grassfed lamb chop with sea salt
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