I came across an article on Inc. magazine's website yesterday showing that the zero carb diet is gaining more popularity!
Here is the link:
I recommend watching the presentation that is linked in the article. It is an excellent lecture and not too long!
I just wish there was more discussion about fats. Finding fatty cuts has been the hardest part for me! And I noticed the photos in the article were pretty lean looking meats. I did appreciate in the lecture that she explained that prehistoric megafauna were much fatter than our present-day game animals. I feel like that is something that is really not widely known.
I get so frustrated by everyone touting "lean meats." Like that's a
good thing?
Even the book I was reading last night, "The Ultimate Guide to Home Butchering" didn't talk about retaining fat caps or even mention fat at all! In addition, when describing the different species, the author mentioned how "lean" species were "better." When will things get back to normal and out of this "lean meats" phase? It is just not healthy! The author did mention that hogs used to be fatter, and basically have been bred to be leaner now. This whole "lean meats" concept is a terrible conspiracy, and has only made people obese and sick.
I keep hoping to find fattier grassfed meats out there somewhere! So far, all that I have found that is fatty enough on its own is beef brisket, beef tongue, and most lamb cuts. I do not use pork or poultry because they are too high in omega 6 fatty acids. And I do not use dairy because it is inflammatory as well.
I will keep searching! And keep asking the local farmers for their fattiest cuts. Maybe eventually as zero carb keto gets more mainstream, fatty cuts might be easier to get!
Grassfed lamb chops with sea salt
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