I read another good book last night! This is a new release about how a ketogenic diet can be used as an adjunct therapy for cancer treatment. It is entitled "Keto for Cancer : Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Targeted Nutritional Strategy" by Miriam Kalamian.
One part that was of the most interest to me was about protein intake, and specifically how the amino acids glutamine and methionine are devoured by cancer cells. It seems that keeping protein intake low is important in order to starve the cancer cells of glutamine and methionine!
We do need some intake of protein, of course, to prevent muscle wasting. But too much protein, as I have mentioned before, can be akin to eating carbohydrates in providing food for cancer, as well as causing insulin spikes.
The book featured two very nice graphs showing the difference between a sugar-burner's insulin and glucose spikes (which happen together) compared to a fat-burner's much more steady insulin and glucose levels.
The book recommended lower protein intakes, similar to what I had read and heard from Dr Rosedale, who has a great YouTube lecture on protein and aging. The recommended levels of protein intake are very low, just one gram per kilogram of lean body mass. For me, that would be only around 40g protein per day! I have been averaging around 75g.
I have tried previously to eat a lower protein diet, actually after I had watched Dr Rosedale's lecture. But I felt very weak, like I was wasting away. Then I had read that zero carb followers need a little more protein because we are not eating carbs from any other sources.
But, maybe I will try to lower my protein intake again. Having lost my mother to cancer, I want to do everything I can to prevent it!
As always, the tricky part of lowering protein is finding really good fat sources! I may have to order more marrow online. We'll see how my latest lamb share comes out. Hopefully it is fatty enough!
Grassfed lamb chops with sea salt
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