I have written previously about some ideas for foods while traveling. For air travel, it is more difficult since there are restrictions on liquids and you cannot really bring a cooler. So for air travel, I used homemade jerky and boxes of coconut cream that has no gums in it. It is solid at room temperature as opposed to coconut oil which will melt in warmer temperatures.*
I do not normally eat any plant matter, but coconut cream works for me as an emergency backup fat when traveling since it does not bother my gut as much as dairy like ghee or butter or clotted cream, and it is shelf stable.
I recently did some car travel, so I was able to pack a small lunchbag cooler. I brought some cooked beef tongue, pre-cut into serving sizes, and salted. I was able to just eat that cold in the car. It is good, not messy at all, can be eaten cold, and needs no extra fat. Ground lamb meatballs also work well that way!
I had to eat one meal at a restaurant, which I normally avoid. But I was able to just order some hard-boiled eggs. So that was cheap and worked OK. Also, gas station convenience stores are now starting to carry hard-boiled eggs too.
But anyway, it is nice to be back home and eat a hot, succulent meal!
*There is a little part of the coconut cream that separates out into oil, and can be liquid in warmer temperatures. This almost caused me a problem at the airport! Next time I might squeeze that bit out first.
Grassfed lamb chops with sea salt
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