After reading in "Keto for Cancer" that glutathione and methionine in protein can feed tumor growth, I have decided to lower my protein intake. It was previously around 78g per day, but I am now doing just 1g per kg of lean body mass, so around 40g per day.
I made this adjustment by having fatty meat at breakfast and lunch, and my "dinner" is just a spoonful or so of fat by itself.
I have been doing this the last two days, and so far I really like it! My fasting blood sugar is even lower than it was! For example this morning, it was just 67mg/dl (3.72mmol/l). My blood pressure was even lower than usual (which is usually pretty low anyway!), just 67/45! And my energy and overall feeling is great! Also, I like not having to prepare dinner.
I was experimenting with coconut cream as my "dinner", but I am afraid that I have a sensitivity to it. I had purchased it to use as a fat while doing air travel since it comes in shelf-stable boxes. But around the time I started eating it, I also developed dry patches on my upper eyelids. I think they are related. I will try using marrow fat instead as my "dinner" and see if the dry patches clear up! Also, the coconut cream does have carbs, and is not as high in nutrients as animal fat. So marrow is definitely a better choice!
Today I pick up my third whole lamb share from my local farmer! This one is smaller than usual. My other ones have been around 45 lbs total (20kg), but this one is just 25 lbs (11kg). Luckily I am eating less meat now, so it will last longer!
The only problem with this new eating plan is that my local farmers do not have marrow bones. So I have to travel to get them, or order them online. I try to eat local as much as possible, but grassfed marrow is just too difficult to get! And I cannot seem to find any other fat source that works as well for me. Dairy fat does not work for me, coconut cream seemingly does not work, oils and tallow are not palatable to me. So marrow it is!
Also, I have mentioned previously that I am considering taking artisanal butchery classes. I am especially interested in studying in England as they have more cultural experience with lamb and mutton. Last night I even dreamt that I had my own butcher shop and it was wonderful chatting with customers! I would also like to study how to raise sheep as well. I have read many books on both raising sheep and slaughter and butchery, but it is important to have some hands-on training. Maybe there is a way to travel to England and study both at the same time!
Grassfed ground mutton with sea salt
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