I am reaching that part of middle age where they say you need to get bifocals. Yet my optometrist did not prescribe them to me. I wish I could get rid of my glasses entirely! I feel like it might be possible if I could just get away from having to use a computer over eight hours a day!
It probably does not help that I am avid reader and have been since childhood. When other children were outside playing, I was perfectly happy staying inside and reading. And now I get out piles of books from the library every week!
So part of my mission for overall health is to improve my eyesight and general eye health as well. I was reading (again with the reading!) a book entitled "If Your Eyes Could Talk" and it mentioned how astaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin are good for eye health and vision. For zero carbers like me, who don't eat plant matter, the options for getting those compounds would be red-colored seafoods such as shrimp, lobster, crayfish, as well as salmon and trout that are not artificially colored, for astaxanthin. Shrimp, crayfish and salmon are the lowest in mercury. Egg yolks are a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, not as high as kale and other dark green vegetables, but at least some. I am a little concerned that eggs might be inflammatory for me as well. Also, fish is very expensive, and would need to have added fat on the side, which is also expensive. Plus good quality fish is very hard to get here. So I'm not so sure about these suggestions.
This book also mentioned a device that delivers oxygen throughout the body. The author was not legally allowed to name it. I wonder if he was referring to the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. When I did a session of hyperbaric oxygen recently, I did notice that colors seemed much brighter and depth perception much increased! So I was considering doing another session maybe. It isn't cheap though!
Also, the author of the book spoke about getting good fats and keeping a good, low omega 6:3 ratio. I do pretty well at that since all I eat are red meats and their fats, which have a natural omega 6:3 ratio around 4:1.
As an aside, I heard back from my local farmer about doing a whole calf share. They don't have one per se, but they are going to work with me on doing a bulk purchase at a discount! So that will be great to tide me over till my next whole lamb purchase!
Grassfed beef tongue with sea salt
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