Lately I have had to rely on leaner cuts, unfortunately, since my local farmers ran out of lamb and fatty beef cuts.
This means my fat to protein ratio went down too. Which I don't like! I like to keep it around 70% fat / 30% protein. But I just cannot do that well on fat with leaner cuts.
I have started adding beef marrow on the side, but as it is very expensive and hard to find, I have to use it sparingly. I just have a little 15g bite on the side of my meat.
I have also been saving all of the "jus" from cooking my meats in the crock pot, and dipping my meats in them for extra added fat and nutrients.
I have also started sprinkling my sea salt around my meat instead of on top of it. That way I can dip my meat in the salt and get better coverage that way. Otherwise the salt can tend to fall off of lean cuts!
I did quite a lot of research in the nutrition databases of multiple countries yesterday, but could not find any new grassfed fat sources besides the ones I already seek out, such as tongue, sweetbreads, brisket with fat cap, beef marrow, and lamb.
The only other option is to resort back to including pork, which is quite fatty on its own, but high in omega 6's and tends to make my triglycerides high. Dairy fats do not work for my gut, so that is not an option. Or, I can attempt to use plant-based fats, although most of them have not worked well for my gut either.
I really enjoy the feeling of level-headedness and satiety from ketosis, so I will need to do something to keep my fat content high!
Grassfed ground veal with sea salt
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