Fat is so important to health!
It is really amazing, especially how the type of fat plays such a huge part as well.
For example, Western countries have greatly increased their intake of omega 6 fats over the last thirty years, along with an increase in carbohydrate intake, and there has been a similar surge in obesity.
To remain in a steady state of ketosis, one should maintain a fat intake of roughly 70% of calories. For zero carb, the rest of the food intake should be protein.
Easy to say, but hard to do!
Finding meat cuts that are fatty enough on their own has really been difficult, mainly because of the lowfat guidelines of the last thirty years. Beef cuts that used to have thick, beautiful fat caps on them, are now all trimmed of fat. Vendors proudly boast of how "lean" their meat is! As if that is a good thing!
Also, it is incredibly hard to find grassfed meat. As people have been fattening themselves up with grains, so they have done with pasture animals. But pasture animals are meant to be eating grass! When they can eat grass as nature intended, they produce healthy fats high in omega 3 fatty acids.
But the mainstream method of raising cattle on grain makes the problem of finding good, grassfed fat even more difficult. I am lucky to have a few local farmers that specialize in grassfed cattle ranching. However, the processors that they use still cut off most of the fat. I might be able to ask for fat beef cuts at the grocery store, but then it wouldn't be grassfed. So it is a conundrum!
From time to time I order some grassfed beef marrow bones online. But they quite expensive and not always in stock.
Grassfed lamb has been a good alternative as most lamb cuts are fatty enough on their own. But grassfed lamb is not available all year. So I need to stock up when I can get it!
I keep searching for other sources of good, omega 3-rich fats. There is sablefish, also known as black cod. I was able to order some from Whole Foods. It is fatty enough to be in a ketogenic ratio on its own. But again, it is quite expensive.
Beef sweetbreads and tongue are good fatty cuts, if you can find them. Short ribs as well, if you can find fatty ones.
Hopefully my lamb is ready soon! Till then, I have some marrow!
Grassfed beef marrow
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