The hardest part of zero carb keto for me is finding the fat!
For other keto diets, people often use butter, or coconut oil, or avocado. I don't do well with dairy though, or those items either. So for me, I have to use animal fats. Pork and poultry are too high in omega 6's, and seem to cause high triglycerides for me, so I avoid those too. That leaves fatty red meats. But they are really hard to find! As I've mentioned before, most processors now trim off a great deal of fat compared to just 40 years ago.
Grassfed lamb works well since it is a naturally fatter meat. A whole lamb share was a very economical way to get delicious, savory, fatty cuts. But when I recently ran out of that, and none of my local farmers had any other lambs ready, I had to find another source.
Beef tongue and beef brisket (if you can find brisket with fat on it) have a good amount of fat and can work well.
I decided to also try veal and bought a large bulk purchase to save on cost. Most of the steaks are quite lean though and I'm having trouble getting enough fat to reach even 65/35% fat/protein intake. So I had to give in and order some marrow bones online for extra fat, which is very expensive!
However, I was thinking, maybe instead of calculating the price per pound when purchasing my foods, I should really be considering the price per calorie! The marrow is quite expensive per pound, but it is super dense in calories. So let's see...the veal chops come out to $12/lb, or 2.6 cents per gram gross weight, and I get about 2.4 calories per gram. So the price per calorie is 1 cent per calorie. For the marrow bones, the yield comes to $10/90g, or 11 cents per gram, and I get 8 calories per gram. So the marrow is 1.37 cents per calorie. It is much more expensive! The lamb was 2.05 calories per gram, and the price was 1.6 cents per gram. So the lamb was just .78 cents per calorie! Beef brisket is 1.4cents per gram, and 3.3 calories per gram, so .42 cents per calorie. Beef tongue is 2.8 calories per gram, and just .6 cents per gram, so it wins by far at just .21 cents per calorie!
Price Per Calorie in Cents (USA)
Marrow 1.37
Veal share 1
Lamb share .78
Beef brisket .42
Beef tongue .21
Interesting! That's an exercise one could really do easily with a zero carb keto diet since it is just one food item per meal!
Grassfed veal chop with sea salt
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