I really think that fat is life.
Good fat, that is. Not cheap nasty stuff like oils. Good omega 3 fats from grassfed red meat and wild fish!
I was looking over all of my past blood tests, and it seems to be that I had the highest HDL and lowest CRP and triglycerides when I had the best intake of omega 3's!
I think it is also important to not eat too much protein, which acts similarly to carbs in the body as it is converted into glucose.
There is a happy medium, which seems to be around 75% / 25% fat/protein intake. That seems to be the sweet spot for me. That provides enough protein that I don't lose muscle mass, but not too much that I have higher glucose. Going too much higher in fat causes me digestive problems, plus I feel really weak.
I think it is interesting as well to look at triglycerides and see what has caused them to be higher for me. Pork definitely seems to raise my triglycerides, strangely enough! Even really high quality, pastured pork! I wonder if it has something to do with the omega 6's?
It is also interesting to look back and see how long I have been following a keto diet. It has been almost ten years, with breaks here and there! The zero carb keto has been a year and half solid, with some times previously as well.
I feel that zero carb keto is a lot healthier and easier to follow than keto that includes plant matter. I like keeping things simple! And it seems to have worked out to be much better for all of my overall health markers as well, when I focus on good grassfed fat!
Grassfed veal ribeye with beef marrow and sea salt
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