About Me
As a child, and up until recently, I had gut issues. I remember trying to punch down my bloated gut when I was little! (That doesn't work, by the way). Over time, I discovered that some foods were better for me than others. I experimented with various diets (you name it, I tried it!), veganism, raw food, probiotics and prebiotics, FODMAP diet, bone broths, everything "they" tell you to do. Finally, after much research, trial and error, and detailed food journals, I have found that a simple meat and fat diet works best for me! Which makes sense, since it is what we evolved to eat in the Ice Age, when there wasn't much other food available:
During the Last Glacial Maximum, the mammoth steppe was the Earth’s
most extensive biome. It had a cold, dry climate and the animal biomass
was dominated by the bison, horse, and the woolly mammoth.
This ecosystem covered wide areas of the northern part of the globe,
thrived for approximately 100,000 years without major changes.
People ask, what do you eat? It's really simple. Just
meat, marrow, and salt. That's it! I think for most people, that is really hard to wrap their heads around. Isn't it boring? No, it's incredibly delicious. Isn't it unhealthy? No, it's actually what our species evolved to eat in the Ice Age. Isn't it bad for the environment? No, pastured ruminants are better for long-term soil health than vegetable gardens.
Believe it or not, there were not piles of donuts, or bottles of olive oil, in the wilds of the Ice Age! Here, see for yourself:
So, what do you see to eat in this picture?
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