I've come to realize that everything we were told previously was wrong! The whole low-fat, high-fiber doctrine is entirely wrong for our species!
Our bodies run most efficiently on animal fat and a little animal protein. It's what we are designed for. It's best for our body, digestion, and brain. Believe it or not! You can read through some of the articles on my "Links to Explore" post, if you want to delve more deeply.
But for me, it comes down to what works. I'm very practical. And zero carb ketogenic really, truly works for me. Not only did it easily solve my lifelong gut issues (which no doctors could solve), but in such an easy, strengthening way, that so many other parts of my body and mind run better now too!
Unlike the treatments that other people with colitis have had, such as horrific surgeries, removing parts of their colon (!!), making them weaker; this path has not only healed me, but actually has made me healthier than I was before! That's how I know I'm on the right track.
Normally I would have had a "healthy breakfast" and then gotten hungry again at 10am, and after lunch would crash and become totally sleepy, then need to snack again at 3pm, etc. Now, I eat meat and fat for breakfast (at a slight caloric deficit), do ballet exercise, work all day, and don't get hungry at all, all day! I do eat lunch, but I could easily skip it. Can you believe it? I could have
never done that before! So that too, tells me that I am doing something right.
Also my recollection and intellectual curiosity is flourishing! I used to have to write my blood glucose numbers and other parameters down to later enter them in my journal. Now I can just remember them! And I'm finding so many interesting subjects to study now...Arabic, birdsongs, so much out there to learn and enjoy! And then there's the freedom from taking
any medications or supplements!
Anyway, I could go on, but I think you get the point. Fat for fuel!
Grassfed lamb ribs
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