Zero Carb Keto
I have been using a strict meat and fat diet to treat my gut issues for roughly the last 8 years or so, with times on and off. Starting in April 2016, I began a calorie restricted ketogenic (RKD) path, keeping detailed records of bodyfat, blood ketones, blood glucose, and other parameters.
I have been so pleased with zero carb keto! Here are some of the many positives:
- easy to maintain calorie restriction
- easy low bodyfat maintenance
- great focus, recollection and intellectual curiosity
- good immunity, no colds or flu shots! (knock on wood)
- no gut problems any more
- simplicity of cooking and purchasing foods
- healthy skin, hair, nails
- level moods and general feeling of contentment
- no need for supplements or medications
- my body feels healthy and strong and exercise is enjoyable
My Diet
Grassfed ground lamb with smoked salt
What do I eat? Over the last nine months, I have refined my keto diet through research and experimentation. Ideally, I want to follow the most simple and historically accurate diet for homo sapiens sapiens! I found that in the Ice Age, which was the majority of the time of our ancestors' evolution, the main food to be found was meat and marrow. Many of the animals of that time no longer exist, such as woolly mammoth and woolly rhinoceros. But I've tried to come as close as possible.
I started with pastured pork products, since many pork cuts already are at an ideal roughly 70/30 fat/protein ratio. I used pork jowl, belly, tails, and feet. At that time, I was tracking my blood triglycerides and omega 6:3 ratio and they still tended to be high, despite the fact that this was locally raised, pastured pork raised on really quality food. So instead, I decided to forego pork for grassfed beef, bison, and occasional wild-caught fish. My blood triglycerides and omega ratio improved greatly!
I read that lamb meat is also at an ideal keto ratio, so I have recently purchased some and will try it. I also read that hen meat is higher in fat than broiler chicken, and should be almost keto ratio on its own. I
will be experimenting with that as well in the next few days. However, poultry doesn't have as ideal
an omega 6:3 ratio as red meats, so even if that does work well to
maintain ketosis, I won't have too much of it.
Here's what I currently eat! All ruminant products are 100% grassfed:
- beef short ribs
- beef tongue
- beef filet with beef marrow
- ground beef with beef marrow
- beef sweetbreads (thymus and pancreas)
- ground lamb
- lamb tongue
- seltzer water with no added flavoring
- sea salts and smoked sea salts
- occasional wild-caught seafood
And that's it! I never eat anything else besides those items (except for some plain vodka from time to time!). Some people include dairy in a zero carb diet, but it doesn't work for me. Dairy raises my blood glucose and causes gut issues. Also I think it contributes to depression and is fattening, at least for me.
In my next posts, I will talk more about my various health parameters and some conclusions that I have made, share photos of my meals, and talk more about where to get good zero carb keto foods and how to cook them!
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