When a person is in
ketosis, the body is burning fat for fuel, instead of sugar. The slang for it is being a
"fat-burner" versus being a "sugar-burner". Some people use the analogy of diesel versus regular gasoline. As homo sapiens sapiens, we are advantaged in that we can run on either fuel! However, in my experience,
running on fat is far more preferable. It's a
cleaner fuel! How so, you may ask?
For one, there's a lot less waste, literally. For another, there's none of that sugar spike/crash roller coaster. Then, there's no hunger. No need for snacking. Easily maintained 14-15% bodyfat! No brain fog. No irritability. Plenty of intellectual curiosity. A quiet mind and relaxed mood. And on zero-carb keto, I have no bloating or any gut issues at all, and am as regular as a Swiss watch!
But for me, the most desirable factor of zero-carb keto is the feeling of
fullness, which comes after just a few bites of rich, nutrient dense animal fat. After just a small amount, I literally could not eat another bite. Whereas when I was a sugar-burner, I could eat plates of pasta, bowls of cereal, bread to no end, second helpings, and
never feel full!
It is such an amazing feeling of
fullness that it is hard to describe if you have never had it. It surprised me when it happened! I had this amazing meal in front of me of delectable meat and fat, and I really, really could not eat another bite, but yet I really had only had a tiny portion of food compared to a sugar-burning meal. But that's
good! It means that the food is so
nutrient dense that only a small amount of it is needed! Not plates and plates full of greens, or pasta, just a nice, succulent, palm-sized piece of meat and fat. So simple! Yet so satisfying!
Dare I say, it's a feeling of
contentment. What a rare and precious thing!
Grassfed beef short ribs with alder smoked salt
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