Pastured hen
Keto for diabetes and other diseases
The classical ketogenic diet has several
components that are ‘forbidden’ in the paleo diet: vegetable/plant oil,
seed flour, sweetener and dairy products....[T]he paleo diet [is] good for treating high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure,
but it’s not effective for autoimmune diseases. So we started using the
paleolithic ketogenic diet, which combines the advantages of the paleo
and the classic ketogenic diet while overcoming the shortfalls of both diets, resulting in a very effective diet.
Man the Fat Hunter
[A] strong tendency to target fat was evidenced as early as 1.9 Ma ago by
bone marrow processing as seen at the Olduvai and Koobi Fora African
sites. In addition, the facts that meat proteins digestion is costlier compared to fat and that a larger percentage of protein escapes digestion while fat digestion is nearly complete, also render animal fat a very efficient energy source.
Keto for Crohn's
A new case report was just published [09/01/2016], about a 14-year-old boy with
severe Crohn’s disease. Conventional drug therapy was not very
successful. Together with his parents he decided to try a paleolithic
ketogenic diet that mainly consisted of “animal fat, meat, offal and
The result? "The patient was able to discontinue medication within two
weeks. Currently he is on the diet for 15 months and is free of
symptoms as well as side effects."
Homo Carnivorous
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