In the "modern" era, we've been able to do blood tests and get all sorts of numbers. Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, particle size, particle number, omega 6:3 ratio, triglycerides, CRP, HBA1C, Lp(a), homocysteine, etc. The reason behind all these tests is to supposedly find out one's risk for cardiovascular troubles.
However, the idea that these numbers are related to actual morbidity (increased disease) or mortality, is just a
theory. Especially in people who consume a zero carb, or restricted calorie diet.
When I found that my total cholesterol was very high (off the scale), and my LDL particle number was very high as well, even though all other parameters were excellent, and I feel and look great, I thought, "Oh no, I'm going to die imminently of a heart attack!" That's how ingrained our religious belief in these numbers is!!
Then I cooled down a bit, and thought more about it, and did some more research. One major problem with these theories is that we really don't know how these numbers correlate with any kind of disease in people who are following a zero carb diet. Or a restricted calorie diet, for that matter.
I also found study after study that showed that there is actually no correlation between total cholesterol and morbidity (despite the "religion" we've been brought up to believe!).
I decided this is when I needed to come out of the religion of these numbers, and look at reality. I had a heart CT scan done. Got a perfect score! And I thought, "Huh, that's strange for someone who is going to die imminently of a heart attack!" Still under the control of the numbers religion, I decided to also get a trivascular ultrasound scan, which shows
actual arteriosclerosis (thickening of arteries). Again, a perfect score! So much for the numbers having any relation to actual arteriosclerosis!
I've decided to quit wasting money on these tests. I am leaving the religion! I can tell what works for me by what makes me feel good, look good, and have no gut issues. What makes this biological machine run best? It's very simple. Meat and fat.
Grassfed beef filet and marrow with sea salt flakes
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