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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Calories or Fat/Protein Ratio?

My latest goal is to try and get "cut", that is, down to just maybe 12% bodyfat (from current 15% bodyfat) so I have nice muscle definition (I am female).

In order to get to that low of a bodyfat, I've been working the past few days to do even more calorie restriction as well as increasing my exercise. I had been doing about 12% calorie restriction. I'm going to try and increase that more to around 20%. I've increased my exercise by taking up ballet barre again, a little free weights, and increasing my urban hiking as well. 

But another question has come up! Which is more important, calorie restriction, or maintaining the 75%/25% fat to protein ratio? Now that I am doing even more caloric restriction, with the cuts that I currently have, I'm finding it harder to maintain the right ratio. However, I feel that both are probably equally important. So I'll try to be more careful about it. It will take a little experimenting, since the fats are so calorie dense. It will take some time to figure out the right portion sizes to maintain the ratio while keeping my goal caloric restriction.

It is tricky. Since these fatty cuts are so calorically dense, I have to err on the side of really small portions rather than trying to judge it by eye, when cutting off a piece of meat! I think I'm starting to be able to judge it better though. It's a very small amount of meat, just about 3/4 of the palm of my hand. It's amazing to think that small amount of food packs such a nutrient and caloric punch!

Grassfed sirloin steak with sea salt flakes


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