It's been eleven days since I quit eating dairy. I had only eaten it for about six or seven weeks altogether. But it caused a rapid gain in bodyfat and weight, not to mention gut issues and aggravation of my keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin). So obviously dairy is not good for me!
My keratosis pilaris has finally receded, and so have the gut issues. But my bodyfat is still a bit higher than it was before, 15.7% instead of 14.9%. I know that probably doesn't seem like a big difference, but I can feel it! I think I might need to do a little more intermittent fasting (skipping dinners) to shed that last bit of bodyfat! I'd really like to get down to 12%, but I haven't quite figured out how to get down that low! I guess maybe even more caloric restriction or intermittent fasting, and maybe try to do some weight lifting. I used to do a lot of weight lifting, but my biceps got very big and my sleeves didn't fit anymore! So I don't want that! I'll keep researching. Maybe just a lot of walking.
I also have had to figure out what to do to keep a high enough fat intake to remain ketogenic, without dairy as added fat. Unfortunately, as I pointed out in my previous post, modern processing has reduced the fat on beef cuts by 81%! So there's just no fatty cuts to be had anymore.
I have put in some orders with my local farmer for whole lamb, since almost all cuts of lamb don't need additional fat. Plus I will request that they retain all the fat caps as much as possible. I might even get a chest freezer and stock up since it is the season. I am also going to stock up as much as possible on beef tongue and sweetbreads, since they too don't need any additional fat. I'll pick up some more beef heart and oxtail too, and concentrate on the fatty parts of those cuts.
In the meantime, I bought a huge amount of grassfed marrow bones online and that is tiding me over for now!
Cold grassfed rump roast with marrow and smoked salt
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