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Question and Answer Page!

I thought it might be nice to set up a Question and Answer page for people that might have questions, comments, or support regarding following a zero carb keto diet! Note that I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, just my own personal opinion! And of course, please keep comments respectful and civil! To participate, please click "Enter Your Comment" under the Comments area below on this page. Then I will get a notification and can reply to you! You will be given an option to receive notification by email of any followup replies to your comment. Thank you for reading! Grassfed lamb ribs with sea salt

Keto Carnivore: So Much Variety in Lamb and Beef!

I was thinking about how much variety there is even within just lamb and beef. There are all the amazing organ meats and offal, for one, such as heart, kidney, liver, tail, sweetbreads (thymus and pancreas), and testes. Then there's all the different meat cuts you can do as well, such as roasts, chops, cubes, ground, or in casings. Then there's jerky too! All of that without even using any added seasonings, not even salt!

It is really amazing. And you'd think I'd get sick of eating homemade jerky all the time, but I love it!! I still can't get enough. I've been running my dehydrator for three days nonstop, making beef heart and lamb roast jerky. Oh goodness! Lamb roasts make amazing jerky. Well, and beef heart too!

I've also been using the soup bones I received from my whole lamb shares to make a simple unsalted broth. I realized that the previous problem I had with broth was that I was adding salt to it. But I am fine with it just plain! So that was interesting to discover!

I'm looking forward to going out to one of my favorite grass-finished beef ranchers this Saturday! Should be a nice day for a country drive, and it is always so nice and restful to see the cows out on the pasture!



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