I realize that zero carb keto seems pretty extreme to most people.
The first reaction is "Are you crazy? Eating nothing by fatty red meat? That will kill you! What about vegetables? Surely you eat vegetables?"
But what is interesting, is that even the people with the strongest reactions, still come around. They see that I am doing so much better eating this way!
There are just so many benefits, I have found.
For one, I do not have gut problems anymore. That is the biggest benefit! I used to have gut problems every day, from early childhood. As far back as I can remember!
I used to have problems with keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin) too. But I do not have that any more either!
My teeth and gums are much healthier! I used to have tartar buildup on my teeth, and some gum bleeding, when I would go in for a dental cleaning. Now there is nothing for them to clean!
I used to have mood swings, and energy crashes to the point of almost nodding off. And ravenous hunger! No more of any of that!
Then there is the benefit of easy bodyfat maintenance. That is really nice!
And the ease of meal planning, cooking, and cleanup. Ever so much easier!
My hair is growing in thicker, my nails are stronger. My skin is much clearer.
Then there is the benefit of all of my health parameters improving (besides LDL, which is the large, bouyant type). I have had CT and trivascular scans, and got perfect scores. I have another trivascular scan scheduled for next week. I even had osteocalcin checked to see if my bones are strong since I do not have any added calcium intake, and I got a great score!
I no longer need to take any kind of pharmaceuticals or supplements at all.
I feel good knowing that all of my food (except salt) is local. I really enjoy having a first-name relationship with my local farmers, who in turn are supporting healthy grasslands and ecosystems.
First they think you are crazy, then they start to consider it, then they research it, then they are interested!
Grassfed lamb roast with sea salt
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