There is so much talk lately about the benefits of fasting and calorie restriction!
I have been practicing about 20% calorie restriction for what will be 2 years in April. I find it works very well for me! I choose to do it with three small meals per day, just water to drink, and no snacks.
I use an online calorie restriction calculator to find out my percentage of calorie restriction. This one works well, just be sure to enter the right activity level (which unless your are burning 590 calories per day through exercise, will be "sedentary").
I have read that in our ancestry, the time following the winter solstice would be a time of restricted calories naturally, because with animals being in hibernation, there might be less successful hunting. They may have had to ration their preserved and frozen meats to last till the spring thaws.
Most major religions call for various forms of fasting throughout the year.
And now researchers are finding that this caloric restriction is actually healthy for us! I came across this article today that lists many of the interesting health benefits to caloric restriction and fasting:
"The monkeys that were calorie restricted had half the incidence of heart disease as the controls. Not one monkey in the calorie-restricted group acquired diabetes, while 40% of the monkeys that ate as much as they wanted became diabetic or pre-diabetic. (2,4)
"In one study, where a group of humans reduced their caloric intake by only 20% for 2-6 years, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight were all significantly improved. (5)
"Looking at all the research, it is hard to find any other intervention that has such compelling benefits on health and longevity than eating just 20-30% less food."
I feel that calorie restriction has helped my own health greatly. I think along with the ketosis, it allows me to maintain a constant good low blood sugar and insulin level, but still have excellent energy and focus. My gut health is also vastly improved from the smaller meals and caloric restriction.
With 20% calorie restriction, I do not really ever feel hungry at all. I think that this level of calorie restriction has so many excellent health benefits!
Grassfed lamb roast with sea salt
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