I was reading about "life hacks" the other day, basically ideas and tips that can make your life easier.
I was thinking that zero carb keto is the ultimate "life hack"!
It is by far the simplest and healthiest way of eating that I have ever tried, and I have tried
so many, due to my gut issues!
For me, I love the clarity of it. For example, when trying a "low-FODMAP" diet, there was so much conflicting information out there, and the recommended foods still caused me all kinds of problems. But for zero carb keto, especially when just using red meats, it is so clear! Eat fatty, grassfed red meats. That's it! I like that. And no gut problems!
I also really love the simplicity of the cooking. Besides certain organ meats, all the cuts can be simply cooked in an empty crock-pot overnight! So easy, no prep, barely any cleanup. And they can just be reheated in the toaster oven! Some people enjoy slaving away in the kitchen, but as for me, I love this simplicity!
Another hack that I discovered is the "car oven". It plugs into the lighter-socket of the car, and can be used to cook or just heat up foods when traveling. This is an example:
I keep some small ramekins in it to hold the food for easy cleanup later. It works great! So I just pack some cooked foods in a little cooler with ice packs, then heat them up as needed in the car oven! So great!
Another life hack for travel is to make a simple salted beefheart jerky with the fat still attached. So delicious, nutritious, and requires no refrigeration at all! Great for air travel. Pemmican is another option, which I have done, but it requires more work and is not as palatable in my opinion, since tallow is rather waxy.
Also, when meat is too lean and extra fat is needed, I do not recommend dairy fats (can cause inflammation) or pork or poultry fats (too high in omega 6 fatty acids) but instead 100% grassfed beef marrow bones. Roast the beef marrow bones in a tray in the toaster oven, and after scraping out all of the marrow with a butterknife, pour the melted fat into the storage container as well and store in the refrigerator. (Glass storage containers are best for health!) Once it is solidified, you can then just cut very small pieces off and eat them cold as fat sides for lean meat! Be aware, it will taste "fishy/flaxseed-y" because of the high omega-3s. Just add some salt to counteract that!
I am also learning that I should scrape the meat off of the bone on ribs and such
before weighing them. Otherwise I tend to eat too much because I am trying to just eyeball/estimate how many grams of it is bone!
Want a hot beverage when it is frigid outside? Try some simple boiled water. It actually works just great! You can experiment with different waters, if you do not like the taste of your municipal tap water.
I also love the healthiness of zero carb keto. All my health parameters are so much better now, and I look and feel so much better too!! Really amazing! All the benefits of calorie restriction without hunger, healthy low bodyfat, constant energy levels and moods all the time, no more menstrual pain! (On a side note, this company in India is actually granting "first day of period" days off for women:
https://tinyurl.com/yaf6vnoq, which goes to show how debilitating menstruation can be when one is a sugar-burner!). No more supplements or pills of any kind, healthy gums, teeth, hair, nails, and skin!
And zero carb keto does not have to expensive either, especially if you can team up with a local farmer to get bulk amounts of grassfed red meat. Lamb especially is a great, healthy, fatty meat that can be very affordable when purchased in whole lamb shares! Try
http://www.eatwild.com and use the searchable map to find local grassfed farmers in your area. Also, it is economical too when you realize that you do not need to buy any other groceries besides salt! Also, ask if you can get the meats wrapped in paper rather than plastic, so the wrappers will biodegrade!
And zero carb keto is not only sustainable, but actually
improves the environment. Raising heritage breeds on 100% pasture replenishes the soil and grasslands, providing natural habitats for many other forms of wildlife too, instead of the damage and erosion caused by tilling soil for agriculture. When purchased locally, there is very little energy needed for transportation, plus the food is incredibly nutrient and calorie dense, so it is extremely efficient per pound!
I am sure I will think of more "life hacks", but these already have made such a difference for me, I am so grateful to have discovered zero carb keto!
Grassfed lamb roast with sea salt
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