It seems that most people gain bodyfat and have increased pain with age. In fact, it seems almost a given. However, I do not think that has to be the case.
I think that by eating the way that nature intended, we should not gain bodyfat or have increased pain as we age.
I believe that a restricted calorie (or intermittent fasting), zero carb (or very low carb) ketogenic diet is a very natural diet for homo sapiens.
Knock on wood, it has been working to keep my bodyfat down to 15% (which is "Athlete" range for my age).
The only exercise I have been doing is 30 minutes of ballet barre in the morning, and some urban hiking when the weather is good. I really do not think exercise has much to do with bodyfat maintenance unless one is doing hours and hours per day. However, I do think it is still important to stay active to keep the heart strong and for muscle retention.
Calorie intake is probably the main factor in maintaining a low bodyfat. I am sure it is possible to maintain a low bodyfat as we age with even a higher carb diet, but it would be quite a bit harder. Eating carbs causes insulin spikes and crashes, and hunger. Whereas on a ketogenic diet, it is easy to restrict calories and or do intermittent fasting without hunger! Also, many carbohydrate foods can cause inflammation, which creates pain and disease.
I think that maintaining a low bodyfat is an important part of health. That in combination with a diet that prevents inflammation should help keep us fit, healthy, and pain-free as we age, which in turn allows us to stay active as well!
Homemade salted beefheart jerky
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