Even as experienced as I am with doling out portions of fatty meat now, I still miss the mark sometimes!
Yesterday I apportioned out some beautiful, fatty lamb ribs, but I estimated wrong on the weight of the bones, and ended up eating too many calories. Especially with ribs and sweetbreads, which are extremely fatty and calorie dense, that is easy to do!
I realized that probably for both lamb ribs and beef short ribs, I should scrape the meat off the bones before I weigh it. That way I know for sure how much I am eating before I have already eaten it and it is too late!
I tried jogging in place for a while to burn off the excess calorie intake. But exercise is such a time consuming way to burn fat! It takes
so long to burn any appreciable amount of calories. So really it all comes down to portion size!
With fatty meats like lamb ribs, the portions must be very small, if following calorie restriction, that is. Even smaller than the palm of the hand. More like the size of the outer circumference made by touching one's first finger to the thumb.
The other option is to practice intermittent fasting instead of consistent calorie restriction. But even then, I still think it would be important to weigh one's foods to know for sure how many calories one is getting, and for tracking nutrition.
Today I will be finishing up the lamb from my previous whole lamb share, so tomorrow or so I will be starting on my new lamb shares from a different farmer. It is always interesting to note that taste difference of the meat and fat based on different pastures!
Grassfed lamb roast with sea salt
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