I think that most people nowadays just do not appreciate the flavor and tenderness of offal meats!
It seems a shame that some people's dogs actually eat better than they do, getting all the great organ meats and marrow bones!
I really, really enjoy organ meats and want to spread the love!
Beef tongue is excellent slow cooked for 12 hours. It is a very moist and tender cut, excellent in slices with some sea salt!
Liver is fantastically nutritious and delicious! I do not recommend beef liver, as it is very strong flavored. But lamb liver is the most amazing, tender, sweet and mild organ meat! I cook it on a tray in the toaster just till brown throughout, no longer. So delicious!
Sweetbreads are such a treat! They are the pancreas and thymus. I parboil them, remove any tough membrane, tear into pieces and cook on a tray in the toaster oven. Mmmmmm they are wonderful, tender, little sweet fatty, meaty nuggets! Plus, sweetbreads actually contain vitamin C!
Heart is such a wonderful, wonderful treat! Beef heart is a really huge organ and usually very cheap, so it is a great buy! My favorite way to cook it is to let it thaw a little bit, then slice it very very thinly with a special slicing knife, and make a simple salted jerky in the dehydrator overnight. So crispy and flavorful and super high in nutrients such as coenzyme Q10!
Kidneys are a treat too - but only lamb! Beef kidneys are too strong flavored. But lamb kidneys are excellent. I parboil them then cook them on a tray in the toaster oven. I eat only the tender outside portion. The inner portion is a bit tough. They have a very, very mild flavor and wonderfully soft texture. So good!
I was able to pick up a whole lamb share yesterday. What a great way to be sure you get all of the organs! Plus a whole lamb is affordable, fits in the freezer, and then you can ask for all of the cuts precisely as you want them. I ask for all of the fat to be left on the cuts, and I also request all of organs, shank, bones, and neck. I had the neck made into small roasts. I am going to try one of the neck roasts in the smoker today!
But my first treat is always the organ meats, as our ancestors would have done!
Grassfed lamb kidneys with sea salt
Hi Mellie. I totally agree that organ meats are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. For me they are very hard to come by. I could buy some organ meats in the grocery store but they would be from commercial animals. Is buying that better than nothing? What are your thought? I almost bought three quarters of a cow, but it fell through. The farmer wasn't going to give me any organs or fat......there was much miss communication. Plus, I would rather have lamb, especially after reading your blogs. I found a local rancher who sells grassfed lamb but the price is $10 per pound. For my budget, that is a little pricey. Does that seem really pricey to you? I think you said you get it for much cheaper than that. Where do you live? Is there a way for me to get it cheaper someone else? I feel a little torn between getting high quality fatty meat but also at an economical price. I don't know what to do. Any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteAlso, it would be nice to include in your cookbook all the ways to cook all of the organs meats you discussed above. I checked out the book Odd Bits you suggested, but in every recipe she includes foods and seasonings we don't eat. That was frustrating. So, YOUR cookbook will be amazing. Thanks Mellie!
Hi Lori! Yes, $10/lb is too high for me. I try to keep meats around $7/lb, but I live in midwest USA, and our cost of living is relatively low here. I would branch out to organ meats from the grocery store if that is all you can do. I think that is still probably better than not having any, and that would give you some variety! Ask about beef heart and tongue, those are usually really cheap, too. Thank you - you have inspired me too to work more on my cookbook!
DeleteYes. Unfortunately everything is more expensive here in sunny California. I will just have to resort to grainfed organs. I appreciate the advice!