I did some number crunching yesterday to try and devise a way to keep my food costs lower. I want to continue to buy only grassfed red meats, but spend less!
There are many reasons that I prefer only grassfed red meats. For one, it seems that pork, poultry, and dairy cause inflammation for me. My triglycerides go up from pork and poultry. Dairy causes higher fasting glucose, gut issues, and aggravation of my keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin).
I prefer to use grassfed meats over grain-fed for a number of reasons as well. For one, that is the natural behavior for ruminants. They are designed to eat on pastures, and they are happier and healthier that way. Also, the natural rotational grassfeeding process actually replenishes and improves the topsoil, rather than degrades it as crop cultivation does.
I always try to support my local grassfed farmers by buying directly from them as opposed to the grocery store. There is often a cost savings when buying directly from the farmer, since there is no middleman. Even farmers market organizations can take a substantial percentage! And some farmers are even flexible enough to meet me in town for my deliveries.
Another form of cost savings is by choosing cheaper-priced cuts from the farmers. Often beef heart and tongue are cheaper, and short ribs and brisket as well. And these are good fatty cuts (if you leave the fat on the heart) which are ideal for zero carb keto!
I have mentioned getting marrow bones for eating on the side of too-lean cuts. But, unfortunately, marrow bones can be very hard to get. My local farmers often run out of them. I think people are actually buying them for their dogs! There are online vendors, but they often run out too. They are also very expensive when factoring in the actual amount of fat that you get from them based on the price per pound.
One option, which is not actually zero carbs, is coconut cream. I personally do not like coconut oil, but you could use that as well as a side fat. Coconut cream seems more palatable to me, and is often sold two ways. One type is in a can, but that usually has added gums and I do not recommend it. The other way it is sold is dried and packed in a shelf-stable box. This type of coconut cream works pretty well for me, even with my super-sensitive gut. And it is far more affordable and easier to find than marrow bones.
Marrow bones are still preferable since they contain all of the essential fat soluble nutrients, though!
I had considered doing a half beef share for cost savings, but I have decided against it. There is the cost of buying a chest freezer that mitigated any savings at least for the first year!
I am able to get whole lamb shares from one farmer from time to time, and which fit in the regular refrigerator freezer and are a good affordable price. But they are only available from time to time.
So after my number crunching, my plan is to try to reduce my meat intake by about half and try to make up the caloric difference with coconut cream. That will still keep me in ketosis, and provide enough nutrients and calories, but should cost about half as much!
I still have some marrow bones in the freezer too, for some extra nutrition now and then!
Homemade salted beefheart jerky with fat
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