Zero Carb Keto
More on Avoiding Plastics
I have been writing about my new mission to go zero waste and avoid all plastics. So far it has been going well!
Yesterday I tried using bulk Indian herbs for washing my hair instead of shampoo that comes in a plastic bottle (since most plastics do not really get recycled, and even those that do only get "downcycled", so you are still creating a demand for a new plastic bottle with each purchase).
The herbs worked great! My hair is shiny and thick and smells wonderful. I used to shampoo every day, since the roots of my hair tend to get greasy. But with the herbs, I can go two or three days between washes! So this is great!
I still have not found a good moisturizer replacement yet. I tried a simple homemade one with just olive oil and beeswax, but it was drying. I tried marshmallow root infusion, and it is OK, but not as quenching as commercial moisturizer. But I will continue to use it for now. It is working better than nothing at all, at least!
This morning I will be calling the meat counter manager of the local health food store about getting bulk grassfed lamb and beef and having them pack it in my provided biodegradable cellophane, instead of plastic or paper lined with plastic. Hopefully that will be an option! They said I could definitely just buy one-off cuts from their display case and bring my own packaging. But their fresh meats are very expensive! So I am hoping for better prices in bulk. Unfortunately, this means no longer supporting my local farmers. Which I really want to do! But none of their processors gave me the option of providing my own biodegradable packaging.
I feel that it is perfectly possible to be zero carb keto and still be "green"! Especially since raising grassfed ruminants is actually rejuvenating the grasslands and savannas, instead of the use of tilled agriculture, which causes soil erosion and depletion. Now to just make sure the packaging is green too!
Grassfed beef ribeye
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