Zero Carb Keto
Plastic-Free, Zero Waste Mission!
I have been on a plastic-free, zero waste mission for about a month now. When you start to become aware of it, it is really amazing how plastic has crept into every single aspect of our lives! It has been very tricky to try and avoid it.
I have been able to come up with really wonderful alternatives for most of the products that I had been using! The Keeper (100% natural rubber menstrual cup), eyeglasses instead of contact lenses, soap instead of body wash, dental pic instead of floss, paper towels wrapped in paper instead of plastic, compostable trash bags, hibiscus powder for washing hair. I bought a stainless steel compost bin and am composting all of my household waste!
But, I had a hard time coming up with plastic-free meat for my zero carb way of life. Even paper-wrapped meat turns out to have plastic in the paper!
Finally I found two options: bringing a BioBag (compostable ziploc bag) to the meat counter, and canned grassfed beef.
I purchased the BioBags online from a green company that uses no plastics in their shipping. (I purchased my paper towels wrapped in paper from them too). I brought the BioBag to the meat counter and asked them to put the meat in there. Unfortunately, they used a piece of waxed paper (which is apparently non-compostable) for weighing it. I might try bringing a glass container next time and see if they can avoid using the non-compostable wax paper.
I received my canned grassfed beef yesterday. It is 100% grassfed, raised in the neighboring state, and there were no plastics in the shipping (except for a ziploc bag that they put some papers in, next time I will ask them to leave that out). It is delicious! But it is lean, so I will need some kind of fat on the side.
Fats on the side without plastic is really stumping me. Marrow fat is my preferred side fat, but it always comes in plastic. I searched high and low, but that is the only way to get marrow.
Tallow is available in a glass jar, but I do not find it at all palatable on its own, and it seems to bother my gut for some reason.
Dairy fat has been problematic for me. It bothers my gut, causes bloating and weight gain, and aggravates my keratosis pilaris. I even tried ghee, but had the same problems.
Liquid oils do not work for me to just eat on their own. They are really unpalatable plus I choke on them since they slip down my windpipe.
The only other options I can think of are coconut oil (which I do not find palatable either) or coconut cream. If I can find coconut cream (also called manna) in a glass jar with a metal lid and no additives, I might try that. I do enjoy it, but it seemed to irritate my gut a little bit after a month or so too.
Until I can find another alternative, I picked up some Devon clotted cream in a glass jar with a metal lid. I have had it before so I know I like it. I will just hope it does not bother my gut or aggravate my keratosis pilaris too much before I find something better!
I am definitely going to keep trying to find alternatives. I could ask the meat counter to put some marrow bones in my own container, but they will be grain-fed. I may have to go with that option though. Dairy really does not work for me, and I am actually really leery about starting it up again. Coconut manna is an option, but it does not have the important vitamins like A, D, K and omega 3s that ruminant fat has.
I have about one week worth of frozen meat (in plastic-lined paper) left, then I will be totally on my new zero-waste meats and fats!
Grassfed beef brisket
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