Zero Carb Keto
Plastic Free Meat
This plastic-fee mission of mine has been going so well, except for the food part! I found great replacements for all the other products in my life that came in plastic, but meat and fat are proving to be really difficult!
I had tried canned fish, but I got foot cramps from it (I think it was too high calcium from all the tiny soft bones). I ordered a case of canned grassfed beef, but they included a plastic bag with some paperwork, then again yesterday they re-sent the same paperwork in a plastic bag inside a plastic envelope.
I tried the canned meat, and it was good, but it is just not the same as fresh meat and not as appealing. It would work great in a tomato-based stew or something like that. But just on its own, it is too lean and the texture not very palatable to me. It will be wise to have it for emergency preparedness though.
So the other option is bringing my own container to the butcher counter. Unfortunately, none of the local shops stock fresh grassfed beef at the counter, only grainfed. I am against grainfed beef not just for health reasons, but also environmental.
I guess I can try just getting wild caught seafood at the counter and have them put it in my container. Fish is expensive, and will need fat on the side not just to stay keto, but also to get enough calories.
Fat without plastic is also tricky. I prefer marrow fat, but that is only available in plastic. Tallow is not palatable to me, and bothered my gut. Dairy does not work for me at all.
I guess I will have to try coconut manna in a glass jar. I had been eating solid coconut cream (same thing as manna) and it worked pretty well for a while, but I think it eventually bothered my gut, probably from the fiber. So I will have to see how it goes. It is not zero carb, but very low.
I do not find coconut oil palatable, so that is out. And other oils have not worked for me either.
I might get eggs in a cardboard carton from time to time too for some variety, although I find they raise my triglycerides (as does poultry and pork). But fish day in day out does not sound great to me! I already miss my homemade beefheart jerky, sweetbreads, and lamb liver! There is one butcher shop in town that says they can order fresh grassfed beef and put in my container, so maybe I should try that.
When I see the huge amounts of worldwide pollution from plastic, I just cannot think of contributing any more to it!
Grassfed beef meatballs
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