Zero Carb Keto
Trying to Buy Meat Without Plastic
I have been writing about my mission to go zero waste and plastic-free. So far I have been really happy with all of my replacements for previous products that came in plastic!
Yesterday was the clincher. Am I going to be able to get plastic-free meat? Was I going to be able to use my new compostable food storage bags at the local meat counter?
I had ordered two boxes of BioBag brand compostable food storage bags. I have been using their compostable food waste bags for a few weeks, and so far they seem pretty good.
I even made sure that the vendor would ship them, along with some paper towels that come only in paper (since they only come in plastic locally), without using any plastic in shipping.
Unfortunately, I
should have had the package sent to a location where someone could be there to get it. Because instead, UPS left it on my doorstep, and since it was raining they put a plastic bag around it! Arghhh! Lesson learned there!
Anyway, I was very excited to see that there were no other plastics used in the packaging, and everything was just cardboard and paper. I went to the meat counter at my local health food chain to try the new BioBags!
I chose a nice wild-caught mahi-mahi fillet and asked them to put it in my provided bag. They did, except they had to use a piece of waxed parchment paper (which I just looked up, and is not compostable) to weigh it. So darn it!
The bag is pretty sturdy and I am planning on cleaning it and reusing it as many times as I can. The box says to not use them in the freezer. I was hoping to be able to convince my local processors to use them for ordering whole lamb or quarter beef shares. But I guess that will not work if they cannot be used in the freezer.
I found it interesting that at the register, the person in front of me saw my BioBag and asked if they had them there at the meat counter, and I explained that I had brought them with me. He was impressed!
But, if the meat counter must use waxed parchment paper, which will not compost, to weigh it, then I am at back at square one with trying to get meat in a zero waste way. I'll keep brainstorming.
In other green-related news, I am pre-planning a "green burial", where they use no embalming and no casket, to let your body return to the soil naturally. I have decided to give to a local arboretum in my will. And I signed up for 7 "blocks" of green energy with my local utility, which should offsett my average monthly usage completely for only about an extra $6 per month. So that's great!
Grassfed ground beef with marrow fat
BioBag Compostable Food Storage Bag
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