Zero Carb Keto
Zero Waste and Plastic Free
So after watching some very eye-opening documentaries ("Plastic Paradise", "The Garbage of the World", "Downstream") and reading some very thought-provoking books "Plastic: A Toxic Love Story", "Plastic-Free: How I Kicked the Habit and You Can Too"), I have decided to change my life and go zero-waste and plastic free!
I have mentioned in previous postings some of the things that I have done so far:
-100% natural rubber menstrual cup packed and shipped only in paper
-switched back to eyeglasses instead of contact lenses
-baking soda instead of toothpaste (I had actually been doing this all along, for a decade!)
-locally made goat milk soap wrapped in paper instead of body wash
-dental pics instead of nylon floss
-compostable waste bags and compost bin
-bulk liquid dish soap and laundry liquid
-bulk henna and indigo for dyeing hair
-housecleaning with just a dusting cloth, weak vinegar and water solution, and broom
-signed up for "green energy" program with my local utility company
-storing leftovers in glass containers
I am going to try just brushing and steaming my wool professional clothes instead of the occasional dry cleaning I had been doing. I hand wash my silks anyway. Any new clothes purchases will be 100% natural fibers only.
I still had to figure out good replacements for shampoo, moisturizer, cat food (which comes in plastic), cat litter (also comes in plastic), and finally, how to get all my meats without them being in plastic or plastic-lined paper!
I have purchased some bulk Indian hair herbs for shampoo. I just tried them this morning, so I can report back soon on how they do! I let my hair go a few days without washing after hennaing on Saturday. So that will let me know for sure if it really can clean or not!
For moisturizer, I picked up some bulk marshmallow root and made an infusion. It is working OK, although it is not as quenching as commercial moisturizer at all. But maybe I can adapt to it!
I had tried making an olive oil lip gloss (with olive oil in a glass bottle, and bulk alkanet root for color and bulk beeswax), but it was actually quite drying. I had tried making a simple olive oil moisturizer too, with just olive oil and beeswax, but it was also drying. So I guess olive oil just does not work for me!
For cat litter, I think I might try getting sand in bulk and composting it. Since I am not using my compost for growing vegetables, that should be safe enough.
For cat food, the only option I can think of is canned food, and recycling the cans.
Now for my meat! I called all of my local processors and asked about options. Unfortunately, they only have plastic or plastic-lined paper. They have state and USDA regulations that would not allow them to use anything else.
I began to get really depressed, thinking, how can I maintain zero carb? I really want to stay with zero carb, because when I have tried eating plant matter, it just completely wreaks havoc on my gut (and has my whole life, causing colitis). I was just not prepared to go back to a life of pain, huge bloating, embarrassment, and constant trips to the bathroom.
So I called the local health food store butcher counter. And they said that if I brought my own packaging, they would pack the meat in that! I found there are compostable cellophane bags available for purchase online. So that should work! I need to call back tomorrow to talk with the department manager about trying to buy in bulk, to save on costs. Previously I have been buying whole lamb shares, and my costs were very affordable, just US$7-$8 per pound. But 100% grassfed meats at the grocery store are much more expensive. So hopefully I can work out a better price, and still be able to be zero waste and plastic free!
Grassfed lamb stew meat
wow, you are amazing!! thank you for sharing your knowledge on how to live a zero waste/plastic-free diet, truly inspirational! I want to get started. I've made a lot of zero waste swaps in my life, but with food and all its packaging, it's another story, and has to be a conscious decision that I make and stick to now. Hope we hear an update from you on how it's been going!