Zero Carb Keto
More on Plastic Free, Zero Waste Living
Tonight I should receive the compostable food storage bags that I ordered! Then we will see if the local butcher really will pack my meat in them. Fingers crossed!
I also had to order paper towels, because I couldn't find any locally that were not wrapped in plastic. For some reason, you can find toilet tissue wrapped in paper, but not paper towels. I had to order a huge case of them, so I sure hope I like them!
I am really pleased with how my plastic-free substitutes are working! The Keeper menstrual cup is the best invention ever. I actually used to have one 20 years ago, but it got lost in one of my moves across country. It is great to have one again! So much better than "disposable" products in every way, and it is 100% natural rubber, unlike the DivaCup.
My eyeglasses work far better than my contact lenses did!
I really love using the Indian herbs for my hair. It looks and feels great! And I can stretch out my washings too, saving water. I am using locally made soap instead of plastic bottles of hand soap or body wash.
I am still working on a good moisturizer that does not come in plastic. I am trying rose absolute (essential oil) but the bottle cap is plastic. I might try making my own hibiscus petal water, or finding rosewater in glass without any plastic.
I have been using baking soda for toothpaste for decades, and a dental pic instead of floss. (Here is the dental pic I use: ) There is a small amount of plastic in the packaging, but these last forever (I have had mine for a decade, I think!). So that saves on a
lot of "disposable" dental floss and their containers.
I stopped using any makeup at all. I was only using a little lip gloss and sometimes eyeliner, so it was easy to quit altogether.
I have been hand washing and brushing my professional clothes made of silk and wool instead of dry cleaning. I try to make sure that my clothes are 100% natural fibers. My shoes are leather or other 100% natural components.
I found flushable, compostable cat litter packed in paper (sWheat).
I have been storing my leftovers in glass containers.
I have stopped using my glucose and ketone meters, which involve plastic lancets and strips. My levels have been so steady and low for about two years now, I really do not need to check them anymore anyway. I do check my blood pressure from time to time with my home wrist blood pressure meter.
I started composting all of my household waste, in a stainless steel compost bin. Wish me luck, I have never composted before!
I signed up for "Green Energy" with my local utility company.
(This might seem a but extreme, but I even found a cemetery in my state that does "green burial", so I am started to look into the pre-planning for that! Green burials use no embalming or caskets and allow your body to return to the earth in a natural way. This closes the loop: microorganisms in the soil feed the grass, the grass feeds the ruminants, the ruminants feed me, then I feed the microorganisms!)
So now it is just down to finding meat that is not wrapped in plastic or plastic-lined paper. My hope is that once I have successfully used the compostable food storage bags at the butcher counter, maybe I can convince the local processors to use them. That way I could continue to buy from my local farmers. I have only about two weeks left of my current frozen meat, so I have to figure out my alternative soon!
Grassfed beef filet mignon with marrow fat
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