Zero Carb Keto
Save the World!
I have decided to change my life and try to be zero waste and zero plastic! It is quite a learning curve to figure out how to replace all the items in modern life which are now made out of, or are wrapped in plastic!
So far so good! I am now just down to a few items which I need to sort out. I have purchased some bulk Indian herbs to use instead of shampoo, but I have not needed to use them yet. I hennaed my hair on Saturday and it is still looking fresh and shiny! Maybe tomorrow it will be time to try them and I can report back. I picked up many different herbs, so I am sure there will be a learning curve to find out which ones and which combinations work best for me!
I am experimenting with using marshmallow root (available in bulk) infusion instead of moisturizer. That seems to working fairly well!
I made homemade lip gloss out of olive oil (in a glass bottle) and beeswax and alkanet root (for color). The beeswax and alkanet root were also available in bulk.
I used paper bags to purchase all of the bulk items.
I found liquid dish soap and laundry liquid available in bulk as well!
I had already switched to eyeglasses instead of contacts, a 100% rubber menstrual cup instead of disposable pads, locally made soap instead of body wash, and baking soda instead of toothpaste. Those are all working even better than the items they replaced!
I have been cleaning my house with a weak vinegar and water solution. The vinegar comes in a glass bottle.
I was able to sign up for "green energy" from my utility company. So now around 100% of my energy will come from their green energy projects. My bill should just be around $20 more per month. Here the renewable energy source seems to be mostly solar farms.
I am going to stop using dry cleaning for my wool professional clothes. I will try just brushing them and steaming them as necessary. I really did not need to dry clean them very often anyway. My other professional clothes are silk which I have been hand washing. I will make sure that any new purchases of clothing are 100% natural fibers.
I even changed my vinyl record hobby to only buy used ones that don't come wrapped in plastic! I do not buy very many anyway. I use online streaming for most music listening.
I will refuse thermal paper receipts (the library is one culprit!) since they are not compostable.
So that should be the last of it, besides figuring out how to get my meats in a zero-waste packaging! Today I will be calling around the local processors to see what they are allowed to do. Oh, and I still need to figure out cat food and litter that do not come in plastic. There's canned food, and I could recycle the cans. I could use compostable sand for litter. I will not be using the compost for gardening so that should be safe.
I had picked up some eggs (in a purely paper carton) from a local farmer, but I still think that eggs, poultry, pork, and dairy are a bad idea for me. Eggs just leave me feeling hungry and then I overeat my calories for the day. I think eggs, poultry and pork are just too high in omega 6 fatty acids and are inflammatory for me. Dairy is also inflammatory for me too and causes keratosis pilaris (bumpy skin) on my legs and arms.
In my experience, now coming up on two years into zero carb keto, just fatty beef and lamb and their organ meats are best!
I listened to two podcasts the other day and they talked about how ruminant animals such as beef and sheep are not only providing incredible nutrition and health for us, but also saving the environment, despite what the current dogma says! I just need to figure out how to get the meat wrapped in something biodegradable instead of plastic or plastic-lined paper!
I highly recommend listening to these podcasts if you are interested in more information:
Grassfed lamb chops
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