Zero Carb Keto
Zero Waste, Plastic Free Living
I have been writing the last week about the different ways I am now replacing products that are made of or are shipped in plastic, in addition to starting a zero waste life and composting everything (besides paper and cans which I take to be recycled).
The main issue was: how do I continue to eat zero carb? Meats all come in plastic, or plastic lined paper!
I talked to the meat processors that my local farmers use, but they all told me that they have to use plastic or plastic lined paper. I would not be allowed to provide my own compostable cellophane wrapping (which I found online).
I called some local butcher counters. Finally the last one I called said they could get me grassfed beef and would wrap it in my provided cellophane! But I have to order the cellophane online, so I would want to check if they can ship it without using plastic. I might call the butcher shop and ask if I could provide plain paper instead, which I might be able to buy locally. I also need to ask if they can get grassfed lamb, which I prefer since lamb is fattier than beef.
My only other plastic-free meat option is going back to eating eggs. My local farmers reuse their cartons. I prefer not to eat eggs for a variety of reasons, though. For one they seem to raise my triglycerides. Also, they are not as satiating at all. And thirdly, they are higher in omega 6 fatty acids instead of omega 3s. But, I could create a plastic-free zero carb keto diet with eggs, canned fish, and glass jars of some kind of fat. Does not sound as good as fresh lamb, but it is a possibility.
I checked around for places to buy clothes, if at some point I ever need new clothes, that are 100% natural fibers and can be shipped without plastics. I found the company Rawganique, which carries many items in 100% natural fibers, and they told me they can ship without plastic if I write that in the comment section. So that is great!
So far so good on using bulk Indian herbs for shampooing my hair! Looks and smells wonderful, shiny and thick. I actually really love the smell! And I can stretch out the days between washing, which I could not do before with commercial shampoo.
I decided to give up on lip gloss entirely, which was the only makeup I was using anymore. I had tried making my own lip gloss with olive oil, but it was super drying. I have found using nothing at all is working just fine!
I am using bulk marshmallow root infusion for a moisturizer on my body, hands, and face. It is working OK, a little better than nothing at all.
I had tried emailing Mountain Rose Herbs and Starwest Botanicals about having herbs shipped without plastic, but both of them responded that plastic-free shipping is not possible. So I will continue to get the bulk herbs from the shop about an hour away. I will stock up once I decide on which herbs work best for my hair! There are so many to choose from: amla, (shikakai, but that is not available at this particular shop), brahmi, ashwaganda, fenugreek, aloe powder, and hibiscus. So it is going to take some time to figure out which combination works best for me! There is a bit of a learning curve with them. I think I should wet my hair thoroughly first. Then I need to re-grind them to be more fine, otherwise I end up with little bits of herb stuck in my hair. I am using a compostable bag over my hair during the treatment.
I purchased a stainless steel compost bin from True Value shipped directly to my local store, and thankfully did not come in any plastic at all. I started using it last night. I need to find a local vendor that sells bulk cedar shavings or something to use in between layers. And maybe sand for cat litter, too!
Otherwise, I think I am pretty well set now for zero waste and plastic free living, while being able to stay zero carb keto!
Grassfed beef ribeye steak
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